Results for 'Carlo Μ Lucarini'

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  1.  13
    L’ἐκκύκλημα nel teatro greco dell’età classica.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2016 - Hermes 144 (2):138-156.
    The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the tragic poets of the fifth century BC used an engine called ekkyklema in order to reveal the scenes supposed to take place inside. I think I can indicate a passage, that clearly demonstrates the use of such an engine (Eur. Her. 1028 ff.), since the chorus’ words are otherwise unintellegibile. Comic poets used this engine only for paratragic purpose, because the distinction inside/outside was not relevant for comedy.
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    Il nuovo Artemidoro.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2009 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 153 (1):109-134.
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    Per il testo di Ditti–Settimio.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2007 - Hermes 135 (2):234-237.
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    Congetture al nuovo Galeno.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):331-337.
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    Per l’interpretazione di Pind. Fr. 140 a S.-M.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):3-13.
    The fragment 140 a S.-M. = G 8 Ruth. is likely to deal with two different feats of Herakles. The lines b 21–b 33 seem to concern Cycnus, an impious hero killed by Herakles by order of Apollo. The rest of the fragment seems to concern the beginning of Herakles’ expedition against Laomedon. I think Pindarus presupposes a legend according to which Herakles spent the most part of his life in Thebes; such an interpretation might explain both the obscure expression (...)
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    Una nuova testimonianza sul mito di Fineo di Paraibios.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (1):158-165.
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    Per la storia del testo di Plauto nell’antichità.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):260-291.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the Plautine Textgeschichte as reconstructed by M. Deufert may be regarded as convincing, although some aspects need to be corrected. A new examination of Gellius 3. 3, there is no reason to think that he devoted his editorial activity to Plautus. In the last part of the paper we discuss the famous problem of the identity of Sisenna. Although some recent scholars have tried to demonstrate that the Sisenna, who composed a (...)
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  8.  33
    Una Fonte di Properzio 3.14 e le Origine Greche dell´ Elegia d´ Amore Romana.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (2):246-269.
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    Per il Testo di Ermia Neoplatonico.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (1/2008).
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    La tradizione manoscritta del centone di Proba.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2014 - Hermes 142 (3):349-370.
    The manuscript tradition of Proba’s "Cento" was investigated by K. SCHENKL, whose edition (CSEL 1888) remains the basis of every further inquiry. He knew some 25 manuscripts, only eleven of which are reported in his apparatus. Going through catalogues I have discovered about 40 new manuscripts, most of which belong to the humanistic age. After listing all the manuscripts, I try to establish their relationships. Although I consider restricted evidence (I have collated systematically about 100 verses), some facts seem to (...)
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  11.  10
    Per il testo di eliodoro.Carlo Μ Lucarini - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (2):355-361.
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    Zu Ampelius.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (1):175-178.
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  13. Nuovi passi inediti dell'Italia illustrata di Biondo Flavio.Carlo Martino Lucarini & Paolo Pontari - 2001 - Rinascimento 41:225-257.
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    Philitas von Kos und die Entstehung der griechischen Bukolik.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2024 - Hermes 152 (3):375-381.
    The aim of this paper is to show that Philitas of Cos did not write bucolic poetry. The Scholia in Theocritus draw on ancient commentaries, which quoted Philitas, but no feature of the bucolic poetry is assigned to Philitas. Propertius opposes Philitas’ love poetry to the bucolic, and there is no clue that Longus Sophista or Vergil knew of Philitas’ bucolic poetry. Moreover, it seems that ancient poets and erudites were persuaded of the Sicilian (i. e. Theocritean) origin of the (...)
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    "Ατακτα.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (1):164-172.
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    Coniectanea.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2006 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 150 (2):350-354.
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  17.  29
    Note ai Florida e all’ Apologia di Apuleio.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Hermes 149 (1):124.
    The aim of this paper is to cast new light on the textual constitution of some passages of Apuleius. For ca. 15 passages of Florida as well as for 5 passages of Apologia a new textual solution is proposed.
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  18.  22
    Zu Florus.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Hermes 149 (4):511.
    The aim of this paper is to cast new light on the textual constitution of some passages of Florus’ Epitoma, for which I propose a new textual solution.
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    Zu Ps.-Skylax, Periplus 94.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):232.
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  20. Scholia in scholia: su una nuova edizione di Hermias di Alessandria.Domenico Cufalo - 2017 - Exemplaria Classica. Journal of Classical Philology 21:227–242.
    Review of Carlo M. Lucarini et Claudio Moreschini, Hermias Alexandrinus, In Platonis Phaedrum scholia, Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2012, lxiv+293 pp., ISBN 978-3-11-020115-4.
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    The Order of Time.Carlo Rovelli - 2018 - [London]: Allen Lane. Edited by Erica Segre & Simon Carnell.
    Why do we remember the past and not the future? What does it mean for time to "flow"? Do we exist in time or does time exist in us? In lyric, accessible prose, Carlo Rovelli invites us to consider questions about the nature of time that continue to puzzle physicists and philosophers alike. For most readers this is unfamiliar terrain. We all experience time, but the more scientists learn about it, the more mysterious it remains. We think of it (...)
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  22.  45
    Repoliticizing Environmentalism: Beyond Technocracy and Populism.Carlo Invernizzi Accetti - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (1):47-73.
    ABSTRACT The mainstreaming of environmental concerns paradoxically obscures their political dimension: as the goals of environmentalism become accepted, they are reduced to administrative problems to be solved in a purely technocratic way. This technocratic environmentalism has fueled a populist backlash that challenges the scientific basis of environmentalism. As a result, contemporary environmentalism appears to be stuck in a depoliticizing opposition between technocracy and populism. A possible way out of this depoliticizing trap consists in recognizing the intrinsic contestability of the core (...)
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  23.  54
    Sensory stimulation for patients with disorders of consciousness: from stimulation to rehabilitation.Carlo Abbate, Pietro D. Trimarchi, Isabella Basile, Anna Mazzucchi & Guya Devalle - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  24. Quantum Gravity.Carlo Rovelli - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    Quantum gravity poses the problem of merging quantum mechanics and general relativity, the two great conceptual revolutions in the physics of the twentieth century. The loop and spinfoam approach, presented in this book, is one of the leading research programs in the field. The first part of the book discusses the reformulation of the basis of classical and quantum Hamiltonian physics required by general relativity. The second part covers the basic technical research directions. Appendices include a detailed history of the (...)
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    (1 other version)Political normativity and the functional autonomy of politics.Carlo Burelli - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (4):627-649.
    This article argues for a new interpretation of the realist claim that politics is autonomous from morality and involves specific political values. First, this article defends an original normative source: functional normativity. Second, it advocates a substantive functional standard: political institutions ought to be assessed by their capacity to select and implement collective decisions. Drawing from the ‘etiological account’ in philosophy of biology, I will argue that functions yield normative standards, which are independent from morality. For example, a ‘good heart’ (...)
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  26.  25
    Can capsaicin be used to discriminate between subpopulations of B-afferents?Carlo Alberto Maggi - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):312-312.
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    Filosofia e politica in Popper.Carlo Montaleone - 1979 - Napoli: Guida.
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    Montaigne, o, La profondità della carne.Carlo Montaleone - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Ideology of Postmodernity.Carlo Mongardini - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (2):55-65.
  30. Ritual Metamorphoses and Cultural Contact: the case of Messianistic Mouvements1.Carlo Severi - 2006 - In Aleida Assmann & Jan Assmann, Verwandlungen. München: Fink. pp. 9--183.
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  31. Relational quantum mechanics.Carlo Rovelli - 1996 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 35 (8):1637--1678.
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    Potenza/atto.Carlo Altini - 2014 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  33. Charles Nicolle: la natura e l'invenzione.Carlo Colombero - 1984 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (3):349-360.
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    Uomo e natura nella filosofia del Rinascimento.Carlo Colombero (ed.) - 1976 - Torino: Loescher.
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  35. L'estetica dell'armonia.Carlo Culcasi - 1925 - Milano,: Albrighi, Segati.
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  36. L'istinto del divino nell'opera di J.-P. Sartre.Carlo Falconi - 1948 - Humanitas 3 (9):824-831.
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  37.  44
    Libertarian Autonomy and Intrinsic Motives.Carlo Filice - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (4):565-592.
    This paper suggests that libertarians should avail themselves of a system of natural and autonomy-friendly motivational foundations—intrinsic motives. A psyche equipped with intrinsic motives could allow for some degree of character-formation that is genuinely and robustly autonomous. Such autonomy would rest on motives that are one’s own in the most direct way: they are part of one’s natural make-up. A model with intrinsic motives can help libertarians in multiple ways: to deal with skeptics regarding the very idea of robust self-making; (...)
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  38.  10
    Epistemologia e clinica: tre saggi.Carlo Gabbani - 2013 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Nietzsche, illuminismo, modernità.Carlo Gentili, Volker Gerhardt & Aldo Venturelli (eds.) - 2003 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  40. I» politici «ei» problemi «. Agenda di governo e comunicazione politica in Italia.Carlo Marletti - 1990 - Polis 2.
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  41. Berlin Urban Landscape Strategy Germany: Urban landscape development 2030-2050.Carlo W. Becker & Friedrich Von Borries - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 73:42.
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    Intenzioni divergenti. Il dialogo sull'intenzionalità tra Roderick Chisholm e Wilfrid Sellars.Carlo Gabbani - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (1):105-108.
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    Il comico e la vita.Carlo Sini - 2003 - Milano: Jaca book.
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  44. La virtù politica: filosofia e antropologia: appunti dalle lezioni.Carlo Sini - 2000 - Milano: CUEM.
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    Space is blue and birds fly through it.Carlo Rovelli - unknown
    Quantum mechanics is not about 'quantum states': it is about values of physical variables. I give a short fresh presentation and update on the *relational* perspective on the theory, and a comment on its philosophical implications.
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    Form and Event: Principles for an Interpretation of the Greek World.Carlo Diano - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Timothy C. Campbell, Lia Turtas & Jacques Lezra.
    Diano's Form and Event has long been known in Europe as a major work not only for classical studies but even more for contemporary philosophy, anticipating the work of Deleuze, Badiou, Esposito, and Agamben. It now appears in English for the first time, with a substantial Introduction that situates the book in the genealogy of modern political philosophy.
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    Rethinking Logic: Logic in Relation to Mathematics, Evolution, and Method.Carlo Cellucci - 2013 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This volume examines the limitations of mathematical logic and proposes a new approach to logic intended to overcome them. To this end, the book compares mathematical logic with earlier views of logic, both in the ancient and in the modern age, including those of Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz, and Kant. From the comparison it is apparent that a basic limitation of mathematical logic is that it narrows down the scope of logic confining it to the study of deduction, without (...)
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  48.  49
    Walter Benjamin: An Introduction to His Work and Thought.Carlo Salzani - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (8):862-863.
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  49. John Locke: dal razionalismo all'illuminismo.Carlo Augusto Viano - 1960 - Torino: Einaudi. Edited by John Locke.
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  50. Retorica, magia e natura in Platone.Carlo A. Viano - 1965 - Rivista di Filosofia 56 (4):411-453.
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